
When US presidents send floral arrangements at Confederate Cemetery, do they agree with the goal of Confederate army? No.


just imagine that Nazi in Germany will go to come to some "shrine" and will celebrate Hitler...

I do not think that people go to the Yauskuni Shrine to "celebrate" war criminals or wars. If you ask them what they prayed for, the most will tell you they prayed for peace and not to make the same mistakes they made. Praying at a place where war criminals were buried does not necessarily means they agree with them.

When US presidents send floral arrangements at Confederate Cemetery, do they agree with the goal of Confederate army? No.

The First Festival can be found in the story of Japanese ancient mythology about Sun Goddess (Amaterasu) and Storm God (Susanoo)

  Aug. 16, 2021     11:09 pm JST Posted in:   Why are there so many summer festivals in Japan?     See in context The Japanese word for fest...