
Both the Ainu and the Japanese are descendants of the Jomon people, whose DNA is rarely found outside of Japan today.

 Basically, this video shows that the Ainu and Japanese share common DNA from the ancient Jomon people, the oldest known inhabitants of the Japanese archipelago. Both the Ainu and the Japanese are descendants of the Jomon people, whose DNA is rarely found outside of Japan today.

The Ainu word 'kamuy' and the Japanese word 'kami' are related, and they both mean 'deities' that reside in nature, whether animate or inanimate. Both the Ainu religion and the Japanese Shinto religion seem to have common ground, likely inherited from the ancient Jomon people.


The First Festival can be found in the story of Japanese ancient mythology about Sun Goddess (Amaterasu) and Storm God (Susanoo)

  Aug. 16, 2021     11:09 pm JST Posted in:   Why are there so many summer festivals in Japan?     See in context The Japanese word for fest...