

For the process, solar cell fragments are separated and collected from by-products of the mechanical recycling process, which is already established. At Fraunhofer CSP, the cell fragments with sizes from 0.1 to 1 millimeter are first freed from the glass and plastic by various sorting processes. This is followed by the step-by-step removal of the backside contact, the silver contacts, the anti-reflective layer and finally the emitter by wet chemical etching. The silicon cleaned in this way is processed into monocrystalline or quasi-monocrystalline ingots in standard processes and then into wafers.



The First Festival can be found in the story of Japanese ancient mythology about Sun Goddess (Amaterasu) and Storm God (Susanoo)

  Aug. 16, 2021     11:09 pm JST Posted in:   Why are there so many summer festivals in Japan?     See in context The Japanese word for fest...