What are common themes for metal songs?
What are common themes for metal songs?
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Jerimi Galligory
I am a metalheadAuthor has 59 answers and 259.9K answer views5y
I’m going to answer this question on a genre-by-genre basis.
traditional heavy metal
Anything, really. History, fantasy, or social issues. “War Pigs” by Black Sabbath is a cry against the perceived warmongering by world leaders. “Aces High” by Iron Maiden is about the Battle of Britain. “Enter Sandman” is about nightmares.
black metal
Satan, death, Satanism, the death of Satan, Satanic death, …okay, I’ll stop. Besides Satan & death, popular themes are the occult, depression & suicide (DSBM), paganism, and sometimes mythology or fantasy (Norse mythology, specifically. Summoning bases its lyrics off of the Tolkien mythos; Caladan Brood’s lyrics are based off of the Malazan Book of the Fallen, and Immortal’s songs are about a fantasy world called Blashyrk)
death metal
Death, obviously. Lots of gore, as well as insanity & anti-religious (particularly anti-Christian) themes. Horror-inspired lyrics are also popular. Some more thoughtful themes are present, for example, Death’s “Pull the Plug” is about the right to die.
doom metal
Doom metal songs are usually about sorrow, depression, suicide, fear, grief, and personal issues or feelings.
thrash metal
Oftentimes about social issues, with anti-Establishment lyrics. This includes war & religion
glam metal
True to its pop-based nature, glam metal songs are often about love, relationships, partying, & sex.
groove metal
Could be anything, similar to traditional heavy metal. Groove metal is defined by its sound, not by lyrical themes like other genres. Themes like fantasy or history are rare.
power metal
Nearly always fantasy or mythology themed. Some bands, like Sabaton, foray into history.
speed metal
Defined only by its sound. Motorhead & Dragonforce are both considered speed metal bands, but have very different lyrics.
symphonic metal
Oftentimes fantasy or mythology. Personal issues & feelings are also prevalent, with other themes like history, religion, or social issues making an appearance.
folk metal
Usually mythology or history, sometimes fantasy.
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