EV/Hybrid sales figures in the world's most populous nation: India.
India Passenger Car Sales
PERIOD EV sales (Hybrid sales)
2021-Q1 2,348 (190)
2021-Q2 2,247 (127)
2021-Q3 4,034 (384)
2021-Q4 6,025 (277)
2022-Q1 9,535 (459)
2022-Q2 10,471 (722)
2022-Q3 13,155 (2,525)
2022-Q4 14,478 (15,841)
2023-Q1 21,109 (22,389)
BEVs now have a market penetration of 2.1%, up from 0.3% just two years ago, with over 21,000 sold in the first quarter of 2023. Alarmingly (to me), conventional hybrids (HEVs) have increased over the same period from a market penetration of 0.02% to 2.2%, with over 22,000 sold.
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