


1.石破茂:20% 2.高市早苗:9% 3.上川陽子:8% 4.小泉進次郎:7% 5.菅義偉:6% 6.河野太郎:5% 6.岸田文雄:5% 8.茂木敏充1% 自民党支持層に限ってみると 1.岸田 2.石破 3.小泉 3.高市 5.上川 6.河野 7.菅氏 8.茂木

The United States should welcome, not oppose, a government in Tokyo that wants to make the U.S.-Japan alliance more equal

The United States should welcome, not oppose, a government in Tokyo that wants to make the U.S.-Japan alliance more equal. That's exactl...