
I see people go back to shrine to express their gratitude, but I've never seen anyone to express curse when one's wish did not come true.

 Mar. 31, 2022  09:25 pm JST

Posted in: Traffic safety blessing  See in context


How much did this blessing cost, and is a refund available in the even of an accident happening?

You are probably just joking and not ridiculing, so I should not take it seriously. But there may be people who are not very familiar with Japanese culture. So here is my thought.

While living in Japan for many years, I see people go back to shrine to express their gratitude, but I've never seen anyone to express curse when one's wish did not come true.

I suppose that is true for any religion. For example, when Job suffered losing his children, he did not curse or deny God, but said instead, "Naked I came from my mother's womb, And naked I shall return there. The LORD gave and the LORD has taken away. Blessed be the name of the LORD" (Job 1:21)

自民裏金、旧安倍派の会計責任者に有罪判決 東京地裁
