
In theory you are right. But in reality there is not much distinction between Butusdan and Kamidana (or Temple and Shrine) for most Shinto practitioners.

 Feb. 14, 2022  03:41 am JST

Posted in: Japan's Shinto religion is going global and attracting online followers  See in context


Um you have got your religions mixed up mate. Butsudan is a Buddhist altar, and while some Japanese homes might enshrine Shinto talisman in it, it is not meant for that purpose.

A Shinto altar is called kamidana I believe.

In theory you are right. But in reality there is not much distinction between Butusdan and Kamidana (or Temple and Shrine) for most Shinto practitioners. You offer your prayer to Shinbutu (神仏). I have grown up in a family where my grandmother was very religious. She offered the same prayer (for health of our family members) to at Butsudan and Kamidana. And she visited both local Shrines and Buddhist temples for the same reason. As a boy, I did not see any difference in her.

There are no Shinto shrines where I live (near New York City), so I go to a Buddhist Temple to offer my Shinto prayer in a way my grandmother had always done.

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