
It is clear that both Kei and Mako want to get married. And that's all that matters.

 Oct. 26, 2021  11:05 pm JST

Posted in: Former Princess Mako says marriage was a 'necessary choice'  See in context


This is the part that seems to have been the problem. The former fiancé [of Komuro's mother] seems....

No, that is not the problem.

Komuro's mother is not marrying here. Her son is marrying, and his right to marry shall not be taken away for what his mother did or did not do.

Japanese Constitution Article 24 says, "Marriage shall be based only on the mutual consent of both sexes" and nothing else.

It is clear that both Kei and Mako want to get married. And that's all that matters.

The only problem is there are some people who think their marriage requires something else - like a type of mother one has to have.

Uphold their rights and leave them alone.

日米共同声明に抗議 日本公使に「強烈な不満」表明―中国

 https://www.jiji.com/jc/article?k=2025021000786&g=int 日米共同声明に抗議 日本公使に「強烈な不満」表明―中国 時事通信 外信部 2025年02月10日19時18分 配信 中国外務省=北京(AFP時事)  【北京時事】...