
Western forms infused with Japanese souls. When Japanese people see Halloween, they see masks and costumes - not a story behind it.

 Oct. 30, 2021  02:36 am JST

Posted in: What do you think about the way Halloween is celebrated in Japan?  See in context


It's a bit ridiculous in the way an entirely foreign and culturally alien custom has been adopted in Japan for the sole purpose of marketing goods. Halloween has zero connection to Japan...

It's simply a modern day Wakon-Yosai (和魂洋才), Western forms infused with Japanese souls. When Japanese people see Halloween, they see masks and costumes - not a story behind it.

And there is no denying that Japanese people love masks (and costumes). If you have lived in Japan for a while, you just cannot miss seeing masks like Hyottoko, Hannya, Okame, Oni, Ultraman, Kamen Rider, Knight of Ribon, etc.


Japanese love of masks is deeply rooted in history.

Noh (能) is a classic form of Japanese dance-drama, using masks and costumes performed since 14th century.


Kabuki (歌舞伎) is a classic form of Japanese dance-drama, using face paintings and costumes since 17th century.


Kagura (神楽) is a classic form of Shinto ritual ceremonial dance, using masks and costumes.


You just cannot deny Japanese love of masks and costume when you see Yuriko Koike, Tokyo Governor in a Halloween costume like this:


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