
Abu Mohammad al-Julani Article Talk Read View source View history Tools Appearance hide Text Small Standard Large Width Standard Wide Color (beta) Automatic Light Dark (From Wikipedia)


Family background

Al-Julani's family came from the Golan Heights in Syria, displaced in 1967 after the Israeli occupation during the Six-Day War.[21] The nisba "al-Julani" in his nom de guerre is a reference to the Golan Heights.[22] Al-Julani's father, Hussein al-Shar'a, was an Arab nationalist student activist for the Nasserists in Syria. He was imprisoned by Syrian neo-Ba'athists during the anti-Nasserist purges initiated after the 1961 and 1963 coup d'états, which broke up the United Arab Republic and propelled the Arab Socialist Ba'ath party to power.[21]

Hussein al-Shar'a later escaped prison to complete his higher studies in Iraq in 1971. During this period, he travelled to Jordan to co-operate with the Palestinian Fedayeen of the Palestine Liberation Organization. After returning to Syria in the 1970s, then under Hafez al-Assad's rule, he was again imprisoned before being released and finding asylum in Saudi Arabia.[21] From a peasant background and a graduate in economics from the University of Baghdad, Hussein worked in the Saudi oil industry and published numerous books in Arabic on regional economic development, particularly focusing on natural resources and their potential contribution to education, agriculture, and military advancement.[23]



 translate to japanese: Before the eruption of the Iraqi civil war in 2006, al-Julani was arrested by American forces and imprisoned for over five years in various facilities, including Abu Ghraib, Camp Bucca, Camp Cropper and al-Tajji prison.[29]

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translate to japanese: Syrian uprising and foundation of al-Nusra Upon his release from prison coinciding with the Syrian revolution in 2011, al-Julani crossed into Syria with significant funding and a mandate to expand al-Qaeda's presence. Despite tensions with al-Qaeda's leadership in Iraq, who were content with his departure, al-Julani proceeded to orchestrate an agreement with Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi to establish al-Qaeda's Syrian branch, Jabhat al-Nusra. The group maintained an alliance with the Islamic State of Iraq until 2013, with an arrangement between al-Julani and al-Baghdadi to resolve disputes through mediation by al-Qaeda Emir Ayman al-Zawahiri. Over time, al-Julani began distancing himself from transnational jihadist ideology, increasingly framing his faction within the context of a nationalist Syrian struggle.[27] The Islamic State of Iraq initially provided al-Julani with fighters, weapons, and funding to establish the al-Qaeda affiliate in Syria. Al-Julani implemented these plans alongside Islamic State of Iraq insurgent leaders after his release from prison.[22] Al-Julani became the "general emir" of al-Nusra when it was officially announced in January 2012. By December of that year, the US Department of State designated Jabhat al-Nusra as a terrorist organization, identifying it as an alias for Al-Qaeda in Iraq (also known as the Islamic State of Iraq).[30] Under al-Julani's leadership, Al-Nusra emerged as one of Syria's most powerful groups.[3]
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2012年1月に「ジャブハト・アル=ヌスラ」の公式発表とともに、アル=ジュラーニは同組織の「総司令官」となりました。同年12月、アメリカ国務省はジャブハト・アル=ヌスラをテロ組織に指定し、これをイラクのアル=カーイダ(イラク・イスラム国としても知られる)の別名と見なしました。[30] アル=ジュラーニの指導の下、アル=ヌスラはシリアで最も強力な組織の一つとして台頭しました。[3]

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translate to japanese next: The Al-Nusra Front, Jabhat Fateh al-Sham, and Hayat Tahrir al-Sham groups under al-Julani's leadership had perpetrated suicide bombings and sectarian cleansing massacres against Shia Muslims, ethnic Druze and Alawites during the 2012-2017 phase of the Syrian Civil War. These include the January 2012 al-Midan bombing, the 10 May 2012 Damascus bombings,[31] the February 2013 Damascus bombings,[32] the Hatla massacre,[33] the Homs school bombing,[34] the Qalb Loze massacre,[35][36][37] the Zara'a massacre,[38] the March 2017 Damascus bombings[39] and the 2017 Aleppo suicide car bombing.[40]
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translate to japanese: Conflict with ISIL Al-Julani came to prominence in April 2013 when he rejected al-Baghdadi's attempt to merge Al-Nusra into ISI under the new name Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL). The proposed merger would have eliminated Al-Nusra's autonomy by placing all its leaders, decisions, and operations under Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi's direct control. To preserve Al-Nusra's independence, al-Julani pledged allegiance directly to al-Qaeda's leader Ayman al-Zawahiri, who supported al-Julani's bid for independence. While Al-Nusra had previously been connected to al-Qaeda through its allegiance to the Islamic State of Iraq, this new pledge bypassed ISI entirely, making Al-Nusra the official Syrian branch of al-Qaeda.[41][42] Despite his own oath of allegiance to Ayman al-Zawahiri, al-Baghdadi rejected this ruling and proceeded with the merger, leading to armed clashes between al-Nusra Front and ISIL over Syrian territory.[43][3]
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アル=ヌスラはそれ以前、イラク・イスラム国への忠誠を通じてアル=カーイダと繋がっていましたが、この新たな忠誠の誓いによりISIを完全に迂回し、アル=ヌスラはアル=カーイダの公式なシリア支部となりました。[41][42] 一方で、アル=バグダーディーはアイマン・アル=ザワヒリへの自身の忠誠誓約にもかかわらず、この決定を拒否し、統合を強行しました。この結果、アル=ヌスラ戦線とISILの間でシリア領土を巡る武力衝突が発生しました。[43][3]

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TRANSLATE TO JAPANESE: Resurgence of al-Nusra In late May 2015, during the Syrian civil war, al-Julani was interviewed by Ahmed Mansour on Qatari news broadcaster Al Jazeera, hiding his face. He described the Geneva peace conference as a farce and claimed that the Western-backed Syrian National Coalition did not represent the Syrian people and had no ground presence in Syria. Al-Julani mentioned that al-Nusra have no plans for attacking Western targets, and that their priority is focused on fighting the al-Assad Syrian government, Hezbollah, and the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant. Al-Julani told al-Jazeera in 2015, "Nusra Front doesn't have any plans or directives to target the West. We received clear orders from Ayman al-Zawahiri not to use Syria as a launching pad to attack the U.S. or Europe in order to not sabotage the true mission against the regime. Maybe Al-Qaeda does that but not here in Syria. Assad forces are fighting us on one end, Hezbollah on another and ISIL on a third front. It is all about their mutual interests".[44] "Our war is not a matter of revenge against the Alawites despite the fact that in Islam, they are considered to be heretics", he added.[44] A commentary on this interview however states that al-Julani also added that Alawites would be left alone as long as they abandon elements of their faith which contradict Islam.[45] In October 2015, Russian intervention in the Syrian civil war prompts al-Julani to call for increased attacks on Assad's Alawite strongholds in retaliation for Russian airstrikes on Sunni areas.[46] al-Julani also called for Russian civilians to be attacked by former Soviet Muslims.[47][48]
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TRANSLATE TO JAPANESE: Jabhat Fateh al-Sham On 28 July 2016, al-Julani announced in a recorded message that Jabhat al-Nusra would be renamed Jabhat Fateh al-Sham (Front for the Conquest of Syria).[49] In his announcement, al-Julani declared that the rebranded group had "no affiliation to any external entity." While some analysts interpreted this as a break from Al-Qaeda, al-Julani did not explicitly mention the organization or renounce his oath of allegiance to Ayman al-Zawahiri.[50] Formation of Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) On 28 January 2017, al-Julani announced the dissolution of Jabhat al-Fath al-Sham and its merger into a larger Syrian Islamist organization, Hayat Tahrir Al Sham ("Assembly for the Liberation of the Levant" or HTS).[22] The U.S. government quickly rejected this rebranding, with the U.S. Embassy in Syria stating that "The core of HTS is Nusra, a designated terrorist organisation. This designation applies regardless of what name it uses or what groups merge into it." The Embassy characterized HTS's formation as an attempt to "hijack the Syrian revolution" rather than a move toward moderation.[51] Despite this stance, under HTS, the group prioritized combating Al-Qaeda and ISIS in an effort to improve its standing with Western nations. HTS successfully defeated ISIS, Al-Qaeda, and most opposing forces in its territory, establishing control over most of Idlib Governorate, which it administers through the HTS-aligned Syrian Salvation Government.[22] In mid-2020, al-Julani increased his public presence in Idlib to build popular support. HTS-affiliated media significantly expanded its output during this period, releasing multiple daily videos showcasing governance activities, tax distribution in rural areas, frontline operations, and al-Julani's meetings with local militia groups.[citation needed]
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2016年7月28日、アル=ジュラーニは録音されたメッセージで、ジャブハト・アル=ヌスラを「ジャブハト・ファテフ・アル=シャーム(シリア征服戦線)」に改名することを発表しました。[49] この発表の中で、アル=ジュラーニは改名後の組織が「いかなる外部組織とも関係を持たない」と宣言しました。一部の分析者はこれをアル=カーイダからの離脱と解釈しましたが、アル=ジュラーニはアル=カーイダやアイマン・アル=ザワヒリへの忠誠を明言的に否定することはありませんでした。[50]


2017年1月28日、アル=ジュラーニはジャブハト・アル=ファテフ・アル=シャームの解散と、より大きなシリアのイスラム主義組織「ハヤート・タハリール・アル=シャーム(タハリール・アル=シャーム機構、HTS)」への統合を発表しました。[22] アメリカ政府はこの改名を直ちに否定し、アメリカ大使館は「HTSの中核はヌスラ戦線であり、これは指定されたテロ組織です。この指定は名称や統合する他のグループに関係なく適用されます」と声明を出しました。大使館はHTSの結成を「シリア革命を乗っ取る試み」であり、穏健化への動きではないと位置づけました。[51]



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translate to japanese: Idlib governance Military situation before the opposition offensives in late 2024. Territories held by Tahrir al-Sham (white) and the Syrian government (red). Under al-Julani's administration, Idlib had experienced significant development, becoming Syria's fastest-growing region despite being historically its poorest province. The area featured new luxury shopping malls, housing estates, and round-the-clock electricity supply surpassing that of Damascus. Educational facilities included a university with 18,000 segregated students. However, his administration faced criticism for its taxation policies, including customs taxes on goods from Turkey and checkpoint fees on smuggled goods, as well as the economic impact of the Turkish lira's depreciation, which was the main currency in the region.[52] In March 2024, widespread protests erupted in Idlib Governorate against al-Julani's rule, with demonstrators adopting the slogan "Isqat al-Jolani" ("Down with Jolani"), reminiscent of earlier protests against the Assad regime. For over a month, hundreds and sometimes thousands of protesters marched through Idlib's cities and towns. The protests were triggered by multiple factors, including allegations of brutality, with reports of thousands of critics held in prisons, and economic grievances related to high taxes.[52] In response to the unrest, al-Julani made several concessions. He released hundreds of detainees from a previous summer's security operation, including his former deputy Abu Maria al-Qahtani, who had been arrested along with 300 others in a purge of his movement. He also promised local elections and increased employment opportunities for displaced persons, while warning protesters against what he termed treachery.[52] Turkey, which had previously helped stabilize the province by connecting it to its electricity grid and allowing building materials to enter freely, had grown concerned about al-Julani's expanding influence. In response, it reduced trade through its border crossings with Idlib, affecting HTS's revenue. Reports indicated that al-Julani had twice attempted to take over other Turkish-administered areas in northern Syria.[52]
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シリアの暫定首相、「安定と平穏」を呼びかけ 政権移行に向けた協議開始

 https://www.bbc.com/japanese/articles/c05pm0q3ryjo シリアの暫定首相、「安定と平穏」を呼びかけ 政権移行に向けた協議開始 画像提供, Telegram 画像説明, シリアの暫定首相に任命されたムハンマド・アル=バシール氏 202...