
What Sanders Said in the Past

Here are some of things Sanders has said in the past:
"I favor the public ownership of utilities, banks and major industries"
"I would also urge you to give serious thought about the eventual nationalization of these gigantic [oil] companies"
"I will also be calling for public ownership of the telephone company -- which is probably the single greatest rip-off company in America."
"We have got to begin to deal with the fact that corporations do not have the god-given right to disrupt the lives of their workers or the economic foundation of their towns simply because they wish to move elsewhere to earn a higher rate of profit....In the long run, the problem of the fleeing corporations must be dealt with on the national level by legislation which will bring about the public ownership of the major means of production and their conversion into worker-controlled enterprises."
When he proposed a plan to make it illegal to make more money than a person can spend lifetime, he said, "Nobody should earn more than a million dollars [annually]."

Syrian Salvation Government

 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Syrian_Salvation_Government 背景 2017年にSSG(シリア救済政府)が設立される以前、イドリブ県は武装反対派グループ、共同運営の地方評議会、そしてシリア反対派暫定政府(SIG)の名目上の権...