日米共同声明に抗議 日本公使に「強烈な不満」表明―中国
https://www.jiji.com/jc/article?k=2025021000786&g=int 日米共同声明に抗議 日本公使に「強烈な不満」表明―中国 時事通信 外信部 2025年02月10日19時18分 配信 中国外務省=北京(AFP時事) 【北京時事】...

https://apnews.com/article/united-methodist-lgbtq-clergy-general-conference-acabe18fe22b6838e3005ad8895534fa United Methodists repeal longs...
The bubble economy in Japan originated in the 1980s amid trade friction with the US and the Plaza Accord of 1985. The accord led to a shar...
https://www.reuters.com/article/factcheck-pfizer-vaccine-transmission-idUSL1N31F20E In the video, Roos then introduces the testimony clip s...