
Well, Tokyo, here I am!

I can totally understand these feelings. It are scary times. But as I said in a comment before; we, as athlete, thank Japan for its hospitality and bravery to still organise the Games, and we will do everything in our power to keep eachother and this beautiful country safe! ❤ Big virtual hugs!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EdsYpWRjFFU

シリアの暫定首相、「安定と平穏」を呼びかけ 政権移行に向けた協議開始

 https://www.bbc.com/japanese/articles/c05pm0q3ryjo シリアの暫定首相、「安定と平穏」を呼びかけ 政権移行に向けた協議開始 画像提供, Telegram 画像説明, シリアの暫定首相に任命されたムハンマド・アル=バシール氏 202...