
Obviously she overworked.

 How many days did she actually work this year? According to the official records, the number of days she worked on weekends since January 4th through the end of September was 41 days in total.


Jan: 5 days

Feb: 4 days

Mar: 4 days

Apr: 4 days

May: 5 days

Jun: 3 days

Jul: 6 days

Aug: 6 days

Sep: 4 days

TOTAL: 41 days (in 9 months)

Obviously she overworked. She deserves, or rather requires, some rest.

What's unusual about this governor is that while working over time, she cut her salary by 50%, making herself the lowest earner among all 47 governors in Japan.

The First Festival can be found in the story of Japanese ancient mythology about Sun Goddess (Amaterasu) and Storm God (Susanoo)

  Aug. 16, 2021     11:09 pm JST Posted in:   Why are there so many summer festivals in Japan?     See in context The Japanese word for fest...