
Here is a short history of Japanese Exchange Rate

https://www.macrotrends.net/2550/dollar-yen-exchange-rate-historical-chart Here is a short history of Japanese Exchange Rate 1971: $1 = 357 Yen 1982: $1 = 273 Yen 1990: $1 = 157 Yen 1998: $1= 145 Yen 2002: $1 = 133 Yen 2007: $1 = 123 Yen 2015: $1 = 125 Yen 2018: $1 = 113 Yen 2022: $1 = 125 Yen

Can Syria’s Islamist rebels govern the country? Their rule in Idlib offers clues

 https://edition.cnn.com/2024/12/13/middleeast/can-islamist-rebels-govern-syria-intl/index.html Can Syria’s Islamist rebels govern the count...