
Number of Foreign Workers in Japan and Rate of Japanese Currency (vs Hiroyuki's opinions 物価が上がったが給料はあがっていない)

1ドル140円突破は24年ぶりで今後がヤバイ (ひろゆき) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ntWvekJJjRg&lc=UgwIpyvmdxKHC1lHuO14AaABAg.9fU4J_mBJhZ9fWu4xnvpKD

The United States should welcome, not oppose, a government in Tokyo that wants to make the U.S.-Japan alliance more equal

The United States should welcome, not oppose, a government in Tokyo that wants to make the U.S.-Japan alliance more equal. That's exactl...