These investors are investing in Japanese companies (stocks), not the country (bonds). A recession (negative GDP) has little to do with the profitability of those companies because GDP (Gross Domestic Product), unlike GNP (Gross National Product), does not account for the international profits of the companies. JAPANESE COMPANIES TODAY ARE INTERNALTIONAL CORPORATIONS, such as automobile manufacturers, whose operations are largely abroad. THEY CAN MAKE MONEY REGARDLESS OF THEIR DOMESTIC ECONOMY!
日米共同声明に抗議 日本公使に「強烈な不満」表明―中国 日米共同声明に抗議 日本公使に「強烈な不満」表明―中国 時事通信 外信部 2025年02月10日19時18分 配信 中国外務省=北京(AFP時事) 【北京時事】...

- United Methodists repeal longs...
The bubble economy in Japan originated in the 1980s amid trade friction with the US and the Plaza Accord of 1985. The accord led to a shar...
- In the video, Roos then introduces the testimony clip s...