
Appeasement is to give evil a chance to grow. It works against its intention.

 May 7, 2022  12:40 pm JST

Posted in: Okinawa seeks Tokyo's help lowering tensions with China  See in context

Japan should do more for peaceful diplomacy with China and not just focus on arms deterrence as tensions rise around Taiwan to the west of Okinawa, said the southern island prefecture's governor Friday.

Appeasement is to give evil a chance to grow. It works against its intention.


  防衛研究所によるアジア版NATOの研究 【要旨】 ビーガン米国務副長官が NATO を引き合いに「インド太平洋地域が強力な多国間枠組みに欠く」とした 点に対して、王毅中国外交部長が「米国はインド太平洋版の新たな NATO 構築を企図」と批判したこと で、「アジア版 NATO」...