
this KGB man does not know how to win respect except by bullying

 May 13, 2022  10:30 am JST

Posted in: Finland's leaders call for NATO membership 'without delay'  See in context

Russia’s aggression in Ukraine prompted Finland and Sweden to reconsider their traditions of military nonalignment and to contemplate joining NATO itself. Public opinion in the two countries quickly started to shift toward favoring membership....

This is yet another miscalculation by Putin. Russia will be more and more isolated in coming years. Putin has demanded a respect but failing miserably because this KGB man does not know how to win respect except by bullying.

シリアの暫定首相、「安定と平穏」を呼びかけ 政権移行に向けた協議開始

 https://www.bbc.com/japanese/articles/c05pm0q3ryjo シリアの暫定首相、「安定と平穏」を呼びかけ 政権移行に向けた協議開始 画像提供, Telegram 画像説明, シリアの暫定首相に任命されたムハンマド・アル=バシール氏 202...