
the Japanese people are a people with mixed diverse origins, formed from many waves of migrations from various locations in the remote past as well as in the more recent past.

In a nutshell, what we can evince and conclude from all the DNA data that has been presented is that the Japanese people are a people with mixed diverse origins, formed from many waves of migrations from various locations in the remote past as well as in the more recent past. https://heritageofjapan.wordpress.com/yayoi-era-yields-up-rice/who-were-the-yayoi-people/making-sense-of-dna-data-and-origins-of-the-japanese/

‘Transformative, for better and for worse’: what’s the legacy of Peru’s Alberto Fujimori

  https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/sep/14/transformative-for-better-and-for-worse-whats-the-legacy-of-perus-alberto-fujimori ‘Transfor...