



登録:2024-03-07 17:06 修正:2024-03-08 06:29













ノ・ヒョンソク記者 (お問い合わせ japan@hani.co.kr )
https://www.hani.co.kr/arti/culture/culture_general/1131241.html韓国語原文入力:2024-03-07 13:32





 ペロブスカイト太陽電池は日本で開発された技術で、従来のシリコン製の太陽電池と比べて重さは約10分の1と軽く、薄さは1ミリ程度です。また、柔軟性があり、湾曲した場所にも設置が可能です。  都は、より過酷な環境下での耐久性を調べるため、潮風やガスなどの影響を受ける下水道施設での実験を決めました。  視察した小池都知事は、新たな再生可能エネルギーに期待を寄せました。  小池都知事:「薄くて軽くて曲がるという利点を有効に活用することによって、また原材料が我が国が世界の3割を占めるというヨウ素を活用するという点でも有効なツールになっていくと」


Greed is one of the most fundamental aspects of human nature

 Greed is one of the most fundamental aspects of human nature, serving as a driving force for excellence. The pursuit of better food, clothing, dwellings, arts, and technologies has been instrumental in the creation and progression of human civilization. Without this innate drive, humans would remain simple animals.

A man deliberately got 217 Covid shots. Here’s what happened



One German man has redefined “man on a mission.” A 62-year-old from Magdeburg deliberately got 217 Covid-19 vaccine shots in the span of 29 months, according to a new study, going against national vaccine recommendations. That’s an average of one jab every four days.

In the process, he became a walking experiment for what happens to the immune system when it is vaccinated against the same pathogen repeatedly. A correspondence published Monday in the journal Lancet Infectious Diseases outlined his case and concluded that while his “hypervaccination” did not result in any adverse health effects, it also did not significantly improve or worsen his immune response.

The man, who is not named in the correspondence in compliance with German privacy rules, reported receiving 217 Covid shots between June 2021 and November 2023. Of those, 134 were confirmed by a prosecutor and through vaccination center documentation; the remaining 83 were self-reported, according to the study.

“This is a really unusual case of someone receiving that many Covid vaccines, clearly not following any type of guidelines,” said Dr. Emily Happy Miller, an assistant professor of medicine and of microbiology and immunology at Albert Einstein College of Medicine who did not participate in the research.

The man did not report any vaccine-related side effects and has not had a Covid infection to date, as evidenced by repeated antigen and PCR testing between May 2022 and November 2023. The researchers caution that it’s not clear that his Covid status is directly because of his hypervaccination regimen.

“Perhaps he didn’t get Covid because he was well-protected in the first three doses of the vaccine,” Miller said. “We also don’t know anything about his behaviors.”

Dr. Kilian Schober, senior author of the new study and a researcher at the Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nürnberg, said it is important to remember that this is an individual case study, and the results are not generalizable.

The researchers also say they do not endorse hypervaccination as a strategy to enhance immunity.


“The benefit is not much bigger if you get vaccinated three times or 200 times,” Schober said.

Raising suspicions

According to his immunization history, the man got his first Covid vaccine in June 2021. He got 16 shots that year at centers across the eastern state of Saxony.

He ramped up his efforts in 2022, rolling up his sleeves for shots in both his right and left arms almost every day in January, for a total of 48 shots that month.

Then he kept going: 34 shots in February and six more shots in March. Around this time, German Red Cross staff members in the city of Dresden became suspicious and issued a warning to other vaccination centers, encouraging them to call the police if they saw the man again, CNN affiliate RTL reported in April 2022.

In early March, he showed up at a vaccination center in the town of Eilenburg and was detained by police. He was suspected of selling the vaccination cards to third parties, according to RTL. This was during a time when many European countries required proof of vaccination to access public venues and travel.

The public prosecutor in Magdeburg opened an investigation into the man for the unauthorized issuing of vaccination cards and forgery of documents but did not end up filing criminal charges, according to the study.

Effects of hypervaccination

The researchers read about the man in the news and reached out to him through the prosecutor investigating his case in May 2022. By this point, he was 213 shots in.

He agreed to provide medical information, blood and saliva samples. He also proceeded to get four more Covid shots, against the researchers’ medical advice, Schober said.

The researchers analyzed his blood chemistries, which showed no abnormalities linked to his hypervaccination. They also looked at various markers to evaluate how his adaptive immune system was functioning, according to the study.

The adaptive immune system is the subsection of the immune system that learns to recognize and respond to specific pathogens when you encounter them throughout your life, Miller said. There are two main cell types in the adaptive immune system, T cells and B cells.

In chronic diseases, such as HIV and hepatitis B, immune cells can become fatigued from frequent exposure to the pathogen and lose the ability to combat it effectively, Schober said. Hypervaccination, in theory, could have a similar effect.

However, that’s not what the researchers found. Hypervaccination in this case increased the quantity (the number of T cells and B cell products) but did not affect the quality of the adaptive immune system, according to the study.

“If you take the allegory of the immune system as an army, the number of soldiers is higher, but the soldiers themselves are not different,” Schober said.

In total, the man got eight vaccine formulations, including mRNA vaccines from Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna, a vector-based vaccine from Johnson & Johnson and a recombinant-protein vaccine from Sanofi.

“The observation that no noticeable side effects were triggered in spite of this extraordinary hypervaccination indicates that the drugs have a good degree of tolerability,” Schober said in a news release.

While very interesting from a scientific perspective, individual case studies like this must always be taken with a grain of salt, Miller said. Public health recommendations, which are based on very large, randomized control trials, are what people should look to for guidance, she added.


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    “I don’t think any physician or public health official would recommend doing what this gentleman did. This is really uncharted territory,” Miller said. “Talk to your doctor, follow the recommended vaccine schedules, and that should be the best thing to keep you both protected from Covid and healthy and safe.”

    The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends Covid vaccination for everyone ages 6 months or older in the United States, following the vaccination schedules outlined on its website. Last week, the CDC updated its guidance to recommend an additional dose of the current Covid vaccine for people 65 and older.

    Less than a quarter of adults and only 13% of children in the US have gotten the most recently recommended Covid vaccine, according to CDC data.


    The value of the yen is finally back to where it was before the Plaza Accord, attracting back factories and investors to Japan—a sign of a virtuous cycle.

     The bubble economy in Japan originated in the 1980s amid trade friction with the US and the Plaza Accord of 1985. The accord led to a sharp rise in the Japanese yen, making it difficult for Japanese companies to generate profits through exporting domestic products. Faced with this challenge, Japanese companies were compelled to establish factories abroad. The subsequent decrease in the population can be traced back to this shift of companies overseas, which, in turn, created a vicious cycle; that is, the decrease of domestic population led to even more companies moving abroad.

    The value of the yen is finally back to where it was before the Plaza Accord, attracting back factories and investors to Japan—a sign of a virtuous cycle.


    These investors are investing in Japanese companies (stocks), not the country (bonds)

     These investors are investing in Japanese companies (stocks), not the country (bonds). A recession (negative GDP) has little to do with the profitability of those companies because GDP (Gross Domestic Product), unlike GNP (Gross National Product), does not account for the international profits of the companies. JAPANESE COMPANIES TODAY ARE INTERNALTIONAL CORPORATIONS, such as automobile manufacturers, whose operations are largely abroad. THEY CAN MAKE MONEY REGARDLESS OF THEIR DOMESTIC ECONOMY!

    都政をちゃんと見て言っていますか?小池都政の具体例を見ると、実はかなり「ヤバイ」(これほどやるとは想像もしなかった)というほどたくさんのことをやり遂げていますよ。  そのうちの最も重大な実績とぼくが評価するのは「東京都公文書管理条例」の成立。 http://www.waterworks.metro.tokyo.jp/reiki_int/reiki_honbun/ag10148621.html 知事になるとすぐに、小池都政はこの問題に手を付けました。いま国政(森友・加計・桜)で大問題になっているあの公文書管理の問題です。誰がどこで何をやったかを記録する公文書の管理が、自民党政権下の行政では極めてずさんであるという事実です。つまり、権力が勝手に、都合の悪いものは隠ぺいしたり、削除したり、さらには書き換えさえも辞さないという民主主義の基本を揺るがす日本政治の大問題のことです。  小池知事は、あの豊洲移転の問題追及のなかで、都政においても自民党政権下の公文書管理が極めてずさんであり、その問題の重要性に気が付いたのです。責任ある行政は、だれがどこで何を決めたかに関して、かならず記録せねばならず、記録されたものはかってにに削除したり、変更することは許されず、原則として(個人情報を守るということ以外)公開されなければならない、と。安倍政権は公文書を隠しまくっていますが、小池都政ではパソコンやスマホがあればだれでも都庁のウェブサイトで東京都の公文書を閲覧できます。 https://kobunsyo-johokokai.metro.tokyo.jp/disclosure/index.html 国でもやってほしい小池改革第一号です。  つぎは「東京都受動喫煙防止条例」の成立です。 https://www.fukushihoken.metro.tokyo.lg.jp/kensui/tokyo/kangaekata_public.html#shisetsu これは小池都政のホームランと言っていいでしょう。安倍政権も実は似たような法令を作ったのですが、これが抜け穴だらけで実効性に乏しい。それに比べて東京バージョンは、「原則として屋内禁煙」としたこと、とくに「従業員を雇っている飲食店は禁煙」というわかりやすく、実効性のある条例を作ったのです。これも日本全国でやってほしい小池改革第二号です。  たくさんあるので、もう一つだけあげます。「東京都児童虐待防止条例」の成立です。 https://www.fukushihoken.metro.tokyo.lg.jp/osekkai/laws/laws.html この条例は平成30年3月に起きた目黒区の児童虐待死の発覚に端を発します。この事件に対する知事の対応は素早かった。すぐに「全庁挙げて問題に取り組む」ことを表明して、都が何ができるかを模索した。その努力の結実がこの条例です。とくに、両親による体罰を全国で初めて禁止したことにおいて、日本法令史上大きな意義のある条例となったのです。


     そのうちの最も重大な実績とぼくが評価するのは「東京都公文書管理条例」の成立。 http://www.waterworks.metro.tokyo.jp/reiki_int/reiki_honbun/ag10148621.html 知事になるとすぐに、小池都政はこの問題に手を付けました。いま国政(森友・加計・桜)で大問題になっているあの公文書管理の問題です。誰がどこで何をやったかを記録する公文書の管理が、自民党政権下の行政では極めてずさんであるという事実です。つまり、権力が勝手に、都合の悪いものは隠ぺいしたり、削除したり、さらには書き換えさえも辞さないという民主主義の基本を揺るがす日本政治の大問題のことです。  小池知事は、あの豊洲移転の問題追及のなかで、都政においても自民党政権下の公文書管理が極めてずさんであり、その問題の重要性に気が付いたのです。責任ある行政は、だれがどこで何を決めたかに関して、かならず記録せねばならず、記録されたものはかってにに削除したり、変更することは許されず、原則として(個人情報を守るということ以外)公開されなければならない、と。安倍政権は公文書を隠しまくっていますが、小池都政ではパソコンやスマホがあればだれでも都庁のウェブサイトで東京都の公文書を閲覧できます。 https://kobunsyo-johokokai.metro.tokyo.jp/disclosure/index.html 国でもやってほしい小池改革第一号です。  つぎは「東京都受動喫煙防止条例」の成立です。 https://www.fukushihoken.metro.tokyo.lg.jp/kensui/tokyo/kangaekata_public.html#shisetsu これは小池都政のホームランと言っていいでしょう。安倍政権も実は似たような法令を作ったのですが、これが抜け穴だらけで実効性に乏しい。それに比べて東京バージョンは、「原則として屋内禁煙」としたこと、とくに「従業員を雇っている飲食店は禁煙」というわかりやすく、実効性のある条例を作ったのです。これも日本全国でやってほしい小池改革第二号です。  たくさんあるので、もう一つだけあげます。「東京都児童虐待防止条例」の成立です。 https://www.fukushihoken.metro.tokyo.lg.jp/osekkai/laws/laws.html この条例は平成30年3月に起きた目黒区の児童虐待死の発覚に端を発します。この事件に対する知事の対応は素早かった。すぐに「全庁挙げて問題に取り組む」ことを表明して、都が何ができるかを模索した。その努力の結実がこの条例です。とくに、両親による体罰を全国で初めて禁止したことにおいて、日本法令史上大きな意義のある条例となったのです。


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