Plato (427–348BC): The Republic Aristotle (384–322BC): Politics Niccolò Machiavelli (1469–1527): The Prince Thomas Hobbes (1588–1679): Leviathan John Locke (1632–1704): Two Treatises of Government Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712–1778): The Social Contract Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (1770–1831): The Phenomenology of Spirit John Stuart Mill (1806–1873): On Liberty Marx (1818–1883) & Engels (1820–1895): The Communist Manifesto Max Weber (1864–1920): The Protestant Ethics and the Spirit of Capitalism Karl Popper (1902–1994): The Open Society and Its Enemies John Rawls (1921–2002): A Theory of Justice Francis Fukuyama (1952- ):The Origins of Political Order, Political Order and Political Decay
卒業を決める最終的かつ唯一の権威はカイロ大学です。誰が卒業できるかを決めるのは彼女でもなければ文春でもなければ世論でもありません。それなのに、彼女は自分が知ることのできる範囲を超えた事柄(カイロ大学が小池さんの卒業を認めたかどうか)について、発言してしまったわけです。つまり彼女の主張は憶測にすぎないわけです。 ところで、学歴詐欺というのは、学校が卒業を認めていないのに生徒が勝手に卒業したと主張することです。小池さんの場合はそうではありませんね。なぜなら、カイロ大学は、日本のエジプト大使館を通じて、正式に「小池氏が1976年に卒業したことを証明する」との声明を出しているからです。( つまり、小池さんの学歴詐欺を証明するためには、大学が小池さんの卒業を認めていないことを証明しなければならないのに、北原さんはその一番大切な作業を無視して、単なる自分の常識や憶測だけで、小池さんの学歴詐欺を主張してしまったわけです。したがって、北原さんの主張は裁判では通用しません。ヘーゲル:認識がなければ、自由を実現することができず、それが権利を生み出す。権利は自由に対する手段ではなく、むしろそれの具体的な表現。,conferring)%20appropriate%20forms%20of%20recognition.
In his Phenomenology of Spirit Hegel (1807: 229) writes, ‘Self-consciousness exists in itself and for itself, in that, and by the fact that it exists for another self-consciousness; that is to say, it is only by being acknowledged or “recognized”’. Self-knowledge, including one’s sense of freedom and sense of self, is never a matter of simple introspection. Rather, understanding ourselves as an independent self-consciousness requires the recognition of another. One must recognise oneself as mediated through the other. As Sartre, who was heavily influenced by Hegel, wrote, ‘The road of interiority passes through the Other’ (Sartre, 1943: 236-7). The idea of recognition is developed further in Hegel’s mature works, particularly Elements of the Philosophy of Right (1821), where it becomes an essential factor in the development of ethical life (sittlichkeit). According to Hegel, it is through the intersubjective recognition of our freedom that right is actualised. Rights are not instrumental to freedom; rather they are the concrete expression of it. Without recognition we could not come to realise freedom, which in turn gives rise to right. The work of Hegel consciously echoes the Aristotelian conception of humans as essentially social beings. For Hegel, recognition is the mechanism by which our existence as social beings is generated. Therefore, our successful integration as ethical and political subjects within a particular community is dependent upon receiving (and conferring) appropriate forms of recognition.
彼の『精神の現象学』でヘーゲル(1807年:229)は、「自己意識は他の自己意識のために存在し、それによって存在する、すなわちそれは他の自己意識にとって存在することによってのみ存在する; つまり、それは認められるか「認識される」ことによってのみ存在する」と記述しています。自己の知識、自由の感覚、および自己の感覚は単純な内省の問題ではありません。むしろ、独立した自己意識として自分自身を理解するには、他者による認識が必要です。人は他者を通して仲介された自分自身を認識しなければなりません。ヘーゲルの影響を受けたサルトルが書いたように、「内面の道は他者を通る」(サルトル、1943年:236-7)。認識のアイデアは、特に『法の哲学の要素』(1821年)でヘーゲルの成熟した著作でさらに発展し、それが倫理的生活(シットリヒカイト)の発展において本質的な要因となります。ヘーゲルによれば、我々の自由が相互主観的な認識を通じて実現されることによって、権利が具現化されます。権利は自由に対する手段ではなく、むしろそれの具体的な表現です。認識がなければ、自由を実現することができず、それが権利を生み出します。ヘーゲルの仕事は意識的にアリストテレスの人間を基本的に社会的存在と見なす考え方を反映しています。ヘーゲルにとって、認識は私たちの社会的存在が生成されるメカニズムです。したがって、特定の共同体内での倫理的および政治的主体としての私たちの成功した統合は、適切な形式の認識を受ける(および与える)ことに依存しています。
The part of Hegel’s work to lay bare certain fundamental dynamics involved in recognition is the oft-discussed master-slave dialectic which appears in the Phenomenology (see Pinkard, 1996: 46ff; Stern, 2002: 83ff.). Hegel introduces the idea of a ‘struggle for recognition’, describing an encounter between two self-consciousnesses which both seek to affirm the certainty of their being for themselves (Hegel, 1807: 232ff.). Such a conflict is described as a life-and-death struggle, insofar as each consciousness desires to confirm its self-existence and independence through a negation or objectification of the other. That is, it seeks to incorporate the other within its field of consciousness as an object of negation, as something which this consciousness is not, thus affirming its own unfettered existence. Of course, the other also tries to negate this consciousness, thus generating the struggle which results in affirmation of one self-consciousness at the cost of the negation or annihilation of the other. Only in this way, Hegel observes, only by risking life, can freedom be obtained. However, there is a key moment with this struggle. Namely, consciousness realises that it cannot simply destroy the other through incorporating it within itself, for it requires the other as a definite other in order to gain recognition. Thus, it must resist collapsing the other into itself, for to do so would also be to annihilate itself. It would be starving itself of the recognition it requires in order to be a determinate self-consciousness.
ヘーゲルの仕事の一部である認識に関与する特定の基本的なダイナミクスを明らかにするためのものは、しばしば議論される主従ダイアレクティックです。これは『現象学』に登場し、二者の自己意識の間の遭遇を描写し、お互いの存在を確認しようとする両方の自己意識の確実性を肯定しようとするものです(ピンカード、1996年:46ff; スターン、2002年:83ff。)。ヘーゲルは「認識のための闘争」というアイデアを導入し、互いの自己存在と独立性を否定または対象化することによって確認しようとする二つの自己意識の遭遇を描写しています(ヘーゲル、1807年:232ff.)。このような対立は生死の闘争として描かれ、各自己意識が他者の否定または他者の対象化を通じて自己存在と独立性を確認しようとするためです。つまり、他者を自己の意識の領域に取り込み、これを否定の対象として組み込もうとするため、自己の不制約な存在を肯定します。もちろん、他者もこの意識を否定しようとするため、これが結果として他者の否定または消滅の代償である一方の自己意識の確認につながる闘争が生じます。ヘーゲルが観察するところによれば、命を危険にさらすことなしに、自由は得られないとされています。ただし、この闘争には重要な瞬間があります。すなわち、意識は、他者を単に自己に取り込むことで破壊することはできないと気づくのです。なぜなら、認識を得るためには他者が確定的な他者として必要だからです。したがって、他者を自己に収斂させずに抵抗しなければなりません。それを行うことは自己を消滅させることにもなるためです。それは自己が確定的な自己意識であるために必要な認識を欠いてしまうことになります。
Within Hegel’s radical reworking of how the individual subject is understood, autonomy becomes a contingent, social and practical accomplishment; it is an intersubjectively-mediated achievement which is never simply given or guaranteed but always dependent upon our relations with others. This co-dependency results in mutual relations of recognition which are the condition for understanding oneself as a genuinely free being, albeit a free being which acknowledges, and thus adjusts itself, to the freedom of others. Discussing the process of recognition, Hegel (1807: 230) notes that it ‘is absolutely the double process of both self-consciousnesses… Action from one side only would be useless, because what is to happen can only be brought about by means of both’. As a result, these two self-consciousnesses ‘recognize themselves as mutually recognizing one another’ (ibid: 231). Hegel characterises this mutuality, which cannot be coerced but be freely given and received, as being at home in the other. Such a relation with another is the condition for the phenomenological experience of freedom and right. Consequently, our interactions with others are not a limitation on freedom, but rather the ‘enhancement and concrete actualization of freedom’ (Williams, 1997: 59).
We see now how the master-slave dialectic of recognition is inherently unstable and unsatisfying. The master has dominion over the slave, reducing the latter to the status of a mere ‘thing’ through refusing to recognise it as a free and equal self-consciousness. The slave, realising that life as a slave is better than no life at all, accepts this relation of dominance and subservience. Whilst the slave receives no recognition from the master, the master has ‘earned’ the recognition of a slave which it considers as less-than-human. Such recognition is not ‘real’ recognition at all and yet, within this Hegel’s dialectic of recognition, the master requires the recognition of the slave in order to gain some modicum of self-understanding and freedom. The recognition of the slave is ultimately worthless, for it is not the recognition of a free self-consciousness, which alone can grant the recognition on another required for self-certainty of existence and freedom. Trapped in this fruitless relation, the slave becomes the ‘truth’ of the master, and so the master, paradoxically, becomes enslaved to the slave. For Hegel, relations of domination provide a vicious spiral of recognition. They lead nowhere but to their own destruction. Hence recognition must always take place between equals, mediated through social institutions which can guarantee that equality and thus produce the necessary mutual relations of recognition necessary for the attainment of freedom. It is precisely this last point that recent recognition theorists have seized upon and elaborated into comprehensive discussions of justice.
卒業を決める最終的かつ唯一の権威であるのはカイロ大学です。誰が卒業できるかを決めるのは彼女でもなければ文春でも世論でもありません。それなのに、彼女はご自身が知ることのできる範囲を超えた事柄(小池さんが卒業したかどうか)について、発言してしまったわけです。だから彼女の証言には信ぴょう性がない。 それに比べて、カイロ大学は、日本のエジプト大使館を通じて、正式に「小池氏が1976年に卒業したことを証明する」との声明を出しています。( 大学が卒業を認めたときが正式な卒業です。それを決めるのは文春でもなければ同居者でもありません。メディアが取り上げないのは当然でしょう。2024年2月25日日曜日
Republicans need to explain when they learned the truth about Alexander Smirnov
Feb. 23, 2024, 6:36 PM EST
“Russia, Russia, Russia” is Donald Trump’s mocking mantra whenever someone raises the myriad investigative findings and concerns around him and Russian President Vladimir Putin’s regime. This week, though, we were reminded that the concerns remain valid. Alexander Smirnov — who stands charged with fabricating a bribe allegation involving then-Vice President Joe Biden, his son Hunter Biden and a Ukrainian company — appeared before a federal magistrate judge on Tuesday. Then came reports from the Department of Justice that Smirnov admitted that Russian intelligence officials were involved in concocting the disinformation he gave the FBI.
A Russian operation that falsely accuses a U.S. president is bad enough. Republican members of Congress pouncing upon that false information in hopes of impeaching the president is even worse.
A Russian operation that falsely accuses a sitting U.S. president is bad enough. Republican members of Congress pouncing upon that false information in hopes of impeaching the president is even worse.
When the federal magistrate judge in Las Vegas released Smirnov pending trial, the Department of Justice was so concerned about a flight risk that it successfully appealed the decision. Smirnov was re-arrested Thursday and detained.
Smirnov is an enigma. The DOJ can’t confirm his actual profession. (He says he’s in “security.”) He holds U.S. and Israeli passports. According to a New York Times report, "It is not clear, either in court filings or public records, where Mr. Smirnov was born. He is fluent in Russian, speaks English with a heavy accent and might have roots in Ukraine, according to a person with knowledge of the situation." Prosecutors say he alternately refers to his romantic partner as his girlfriend and his wife. Prosecutors claim Smirnov has access to over $6 million in cash, but say he conveniently omitted that in a court statement. The only thing the government seems to be certain about is that Smirnov is a serial liar with connections to Russian intelligence officials.
There’s also the fact that Smirnov was an FBI source for over a decade.
The mystery of this case involves more than Smirnov himself. There are at least two questions we need answered.
First, who passed along this Russian disinformation to members of Congress? Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, who swallowed the claims hook, line and sinker, has credited “brave and heroic whistleblowers” for alerting him that an FBI source report form, an FD-1023, detailed an alleged bribe from Ukrainian firm Burisma. Whoever passed that information to Congress clearly had access to an official FBI document, a document containing information that the FBI had doubted for years. We need to know whether the so-called whistleblowers were well-meaning dupes or if they were deliberately carrying out Russia’s bidding. Second, did Republican Congress members pursue impeachment of Biden even after they knew Smirnov wasn’t credible?
Once they were tipped off to the existence of the FD-1023, Grassley, along with Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, and Rep. James Comer, R-Ky., demanded the FBI turn over the unredacted form for them to use in a potential impeachment inquiry. Grassley accused the FBI of trying to hide the reporting, and once it was in his possession, he proclaimed in a July news release:
“For the better part of a year, I’ve been pushing the Justice Department and FBI to provide details on its handling of very significant allegations from a trusted FBI informant implicating then-Vice President Biden in a criminal bribery scheme. While the FBI sought to obfuscate and redact, the American people can now read this document for themselves, without the filter of politicians or bureaucrats, thanks to brave and heroic whistleblowers.”
Comer claims that Smirnov’s false reporting wasn’t that important to his case, and Jordan says nothing has really changed about the fundamental facts of alleged wrongdoing.
Comer repeatedly asserted — often on far-right media platforms — that the investigation into Biden's family was “credible” and founded upon Smirnov’s claims. The problem is that at some point, according to Rep. Ken Buck, R-Colo., Congress was warned that the Smirnov story may not be credible. We need to know precisely when members were warned, who provided that warning and why some GOP members, according to Buck, decided to press on anyway.
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Even with the revelation that Smirnov’s story has folded like a broken lawn chair, Jordan and Comer are still holding on to the hope that Republicans can impeach Biden. Comer claims that Smirnov’s alleged false reporting wasn’t that important to his case, and Jordan says nothing has really changed about the fundamental facts of alleged wrongdoing. It seems to not matter to them that their star witness has reportedly confessed to being a mouthpiece for Russian intelligence. (Grassley hasn't made any official statements related to Smirnov's arrest.)
Smirnov’s arrest and confession won’t end Russia's disinformation campaign or Putin’s attempt to help further divide our nation. If Trump sycophants like Grassley, Comer and Jordan continue down this now-discredited track toward a bogus impeachment, then they will have taken the baton from Smirnov and joined Team Russia in a race where the only winner can be Putin.
- Laura Italiano,Jacob Shamsian [原文] (翻訳:大場真由子、編集:井上俊彦)
- Feb. 20, 2024, 10:30 AM 国際
Eduardo Munoz Alvarez-Pool/Getty Images; James Devaney/GC Images
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2024年2月16日、ドナルド・トランプ(Donald Trump)前大統領のニューヨークでの民事詐欺事件の判事は、彼の10年間にわたる詐欺行為を罰する厳しい判決を下し、大統領選挙の共和党最有力候補であるトランプと、その2人の息子、そしてトランプ・オーガ二ゼーション(Trump Organization)に約3億6400万ドル(約535億円)の罰金の支払いを命じた。
3年以上この訴訟の裁判長を務めてきたニューヨーク州裁判所(New York Supreme Court)のアーサー・エンゴロン(Arthur Engoron)判事は、「ここにある詐欺の数々は訴状のページから飛び出して、読む者の良心に衝撃を与える」と判決文で述べている。
そのうち3億5500万ドル(約533億円)はトランプが個人的に負担することになるが、トランプの息子であるドナルド・トランプ・ジュニア(Donald Trump Jr.)とエリック・トランプ(Eric Trump)はそれぞれ400万ドル(約5億9977万円)、トランプ・オーガニゼーションの元最高財務責任者(CFO)であるアレン・ワイゼルバーグ(Allen Weisselberg)も罰金100万ドル(約1億4994万円)の支払いを命じられた。
この判決は、ニューヨーク州の司法長官レティシア・ジェームズ(Letitia James)による5年間にわたる努力の結実だ。
「彼は 『Art of the Deal(取引の技)』という本を書いたかもしれないが、今回、彼のビジネスは「art of the steal(盗みの技)」に基づいていたことを明らかにした」とジェームズ司法長官は語った。
「裁判で供述を突きつけられたとき、被告側の事実証言者と専門家証人は現実を否定するばかりで、被告は責任を認めようともしなかったし、将来的な再発を防ぐための内部統制を課すこともしなかった」 とエンゴロン判事は2023年2月16日に書いている。
「被告は殺人も放火もしていない。銃を突きつけて銀行を襲ったわけでもない。ドナルド・トランプはバーナード・マドフ(Bernard Madoff)ではない。にもかかわらず、被告人たちは自分たちの過ちを認めることができない」
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