Japan’s economy is stronger than many realise: Not bad, but could be better
疾病あり | 疾病なし | 計 | |
暴露あり | A | B | A+B |
暴露なし | C | D | C+D |
計 | A+C | B+D | T |
Concept: Person Years - Calculating in a Cohort Study
In cohort studies, the analysis of data usually involves estimation of rates of disease in the cohort during a defined period of observation. For example, the rate of newly diagnosed cases (incidence) of cancer in a cohort per 100,000 person years of observation time. The denominator of such a rate is measured in years of observation time per person (i.e. person years).
Traditionally, cohort refers to the part of the population born during a particular period and identified by period of birth so that its characteristics such as causes of death and those still alive can be ascertained as it enters successive time and age periods. The term cohort has since been broadened to describe any designated group of persons that are followed or traced over a period of time, as in cohort study (prospective study). Thus, cohort study is synonymous with follow-up , longitudinal , or prospective study .
- Because administrative data typically contain full information for birthdate, date of event, and date of death, we can use exact dates to calculate person years. However, if the exact dates of birth, entry into and/or exit from the study are unknown, these must be approximated. In this example, the person would contribute 0.5 years
- Date of death
- Date of event (if death is not the event of interest)
- Date of loss to follow-up
- Date of end of study
Example 1
Defining a cohort of people present in Manitoba on Jan 1, 1987 and followed up to Dec 31, 1999 (or until death or loss to follow-up ). Here are two different people in the cohort.
Person 1 is present for the entire study (i.e. from Jan 1, 1987 to Dec 31, 1999).Total person years at risk = 37.501 - 24.504 = 12.997 years.
Person 2 is present on Jan 1, 1987 but follow-up ends on Jun 20, 1992 when the event of interest takes place.Total person years at risk = 5.467
Note: the study start date can be constant (i.e.: Jan 1, 1987) or variable for each person (i.e.: date of diagnosis of diabetes). The study end date is usually variable for each person. It is usually defined as the earliest date of:
How much does each person contribute to 5-year age groups?
Calculation of Person Years by Age GroupIn the example, both people contribute person years to several age groups depending on their ages at the beginning and end of the study. All the intermediate age groups between age at start and age at end must be passed through in order to calculate the person years accurately. For each age group, age at the start and age at the end must be calculated.
Person Age Group Age at Start Age at End Person Years 1 20-<25 24.504 25 0.496 1 25-<30 25 30 5.00 1 30-<35 30 35 5.00 1 35-<40 35 37.501 2.501 2 65-<70 66.503 70 3.497 2 70-<75 70 71.970 1.970
- If the exact dates of birth, entry into and/or exit from the study are unknown, the missing information must be approximated. For example, if the only information we have for a person is their age at entry, and years of entry and exit, calculate the years s/he contributed according to the following:
- 0.5 year for entry year
- 0.5 year for exit year
- 1 year for each year between entry & exit years
Note : If a person enters and leaves a study during the same year, s/he has contributed .25 year.
10,483 reports of death (0.0022%) among people who received a COVID-19 vaccine
Reports of death after COVID-19 vaccination are rare. FDA requires healthcare providers to report any death after COVID-19 vaccination to VAERS, even if it’s unclear whether the vaccine was the cause. Reports of adverse events to VAERS following vaccination, including deaths, do not necessarily mean that a vaccine caused a health problem. More than 485 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines were administered in the United States from December 14, 2020, through December 13, 2021. During this time, VAERS received 10,483 reports of death (0.0022%) among people who received a COVID-19 vaccine. CDC and FDA clinicians review reports of death to VAERS including death certificates, autopsy, and medical records.
コホート研究 (罹患率または死亡率を比較する方法)
国民・玉木代表が小池知事と会談 勉強会開催など連携深める意向 [2021年12月15日22時29分]
国民・玉木代表、都民ファ推薦候補を応援 参院選へ関係強化 2021/12/24 21:58
おぼえてる?世界でコロナ感染が大流行する中、いよ日本の政府もどんな方針を打ち出すのだろうかと期待して待ってたら、でてきたのは「アベノマスクを配布する」という大号令!これを聞いて、世界は嘲笑し、日本人はがっかりした。そういうだめな政府に先駆けて、都知事は、自粛を進め、給付金を配布し、政府が行うべきことを代わりにやってきた。国が給付金を出すべきことを直接政府に訴えたのも知事だった。 それだけじゃない。経済復帰ばかりに前のめりになって、自分たちが選んだ医療専門家たちの口を封じて、自粛を訴える医療専門ではなく、経済再生担当相(西村)をコロナ対策の代表に据え、最悪な「Goto キャンペーン」を始めて、日本における感染者を一気に増大させた。そのとき政府の方針を「ブレーキとアクセルを一緒に踏む」と批判し、より慎重な方針を続けたのは知事だった。 「ステイホーム。お家にいましょう」「三密を避けましょう」「買い物は家族みんなで出かけないで、一人が代表で出かけましょう」等々、当たり前のことを、なんどもなんども繰り返し繰り返し、都民に訴えてきたのも知事。 観客を入れたい政府に反対して、オリンピック・パラリンピックを無観客で行うことを決めたのも小池知事。その努力もあって、そのご日本での新規感染者数はどんどん減っていった。 あきらかに、日本のコロナ対策の実質的リーダーは小池知事です。政府は都知事を見習うべきです。2021年12月20日月曜日
mmigrants are Less Likely Than the Native-Born to Engage in Criminal Behavior
For more than a century, innumerable studies have confirmed two simple yet powerful truths about the relationship between immigration and crime: immigrants are less likely to commit serious crimes or be behind bars than the native-born, and high rates of immigration are associated with lower rates of violent crime and property crime. This holds true for both legal immigrants and the unauthorized, regardless of their country of origin or level of education
Higher Immigration is Associated with Lower Crime Rates
Between 1990 and 2013, the foreign-born share of the U.S. population grew from 7.9 percent to 13.1 percent and the number of unauthorized immigrants more than tripled from 3.5 million to 11.2 million. During the same period, FBI data indicate that the violent crime rate declined 48 percent— which included falling rates of aggravated assault, robbery, rape, and murder. Likewise, the property crime rate fell 41 percent, including declining rates of motor vehicle theft, larceny/robbery, and burglary.
Immigrants are Less Likely than the Native-Born to Be Behind Bars
An analysis of data from the 2010 American Community Survey (ACS) indicates that roughly 1.6 percent of immigrant males age 18-39 are incarcerated, compared to 3.3 percent of the native-born. This disparity in incarceration rates has existed for decades, as evidenced by data from the 1980, 1990, and 2000 decennial censuses.
The 2010 Census data reveals that incarceration rates among the young, less-educated Mexican, Salvadoran, and Guatemalan men who make up the bulk of the unauthorized population are significantly lower than the incarceration rate among native-born young men without a high-school diploma.
In 2010, less-educated native-born men age 18-39 had an incarceration rate of 10.7 percent—more than triple the 2.8 percent rate among foreign-born Mexican men, and five times greater than the 1.7 percent rate among foreign-born Salvadoran and Guatemalan men.
Immigrants are Less Likely Than the Native-Born to Engage in Criminal Behavior
Several studies have found that immigrants are less likely than the native-born to engage in either violent or nonviolent “antisocial” behaviors; that immigrants are less likely than the native-born to be repeat offenders among “high risk” adolescents; and that immigrant youth who were students in U.S. middle and high schools in the mid-1990s and are now young adults have among the lowest delinquency rates of all young people.
Immigrants are a self-selected group of people who tend to be highly motivated. They have left their homes and moved to a new country to improve their lives and the lives of their children. There is a great incentive to stay out of trouble. For more information, see the full report, The Criminalization of Immigration in the United States, by Walter A. Ewing, Ph.D., Daniel E. Martínez, Ph.D., and Rubén G. Rumbaut, Ph.D, available at www.americanimmigrationcouncil.org
例えば、米国では、一人の人が一生(18歳から50歳の間)に職を変える数は平均11回から12回です。ほとんどすべての人が、よりよい職を求めてつぎつぎと会社を変えます。日本では、一生のうちに転職する数は平均わずか1回か2回です。これでは賃金が上昇するわけがありませんthe number of jobs a person held between the ages of 18 and 50. It turns out that the average person has 12 jobs! And this is during a span of 32 years,
Many of us stress about finding the “perfect” job that incorporates all of our passions, values, and aspirations. However, most of us probably don’t realize how many times a person will switch careers throughout their lifetime.
The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) published a study from 2015 that looked at the number of jobs a person held between the ages of 18 and 50. It turns out that the average person has 12 jobs! And this is during a span of 32 years, which means the number is probably higher for a person’s entire lifetime. This number may be higher than imagined, but switching jobs due to better pay, benefits, company culture, and location are extremely common.
Many individuals will have a lot less than 12 jobs throughout their lifetime, but there are also many individuals who will have way more than 12 jobs during the course of their careers. Or, careers. No matter how many careers a person holds, focus on growth and development more than the number of jobs held.
岡田はそれを単に権威付けとしての「肩書」としてとらえているようなんだけど、村上本人の意味したところは違うんじゃないか、と思う。 以下は、ぼくの勝手な想像なんだけど・・・ 村上の言いたかったことは、おそらく、過去の西洋や日本の伝統的芸術家から綿々として受け継がれてきた技法と考え方の訓練を一応正式に受けているということ、いわば師匠から免許皆伝された人々のアート、ということだったんではないのか。村上は照れ屋だからそれを自虐的に表現した。 現在世界で認められている日本の代表的な現代アーティストといえば、村上や草間彌生だけど、二人とも芸術学校(東京藝術大学、京都市立美術工芸学校)の卒業生。村上の専門は日本画。草間の専門は美術工芸。 つまり、だれにも描けそうな、村上の「アニメ」も、草間の「水玉」も、実は伝統的芸術の技法や考え方の熟練を受けた者たちの作品であるというこの事実こそが本質だと思う。 同じことは印象派やピカソの抽象画などについても言える。彼らは古典的技法や考え方習得した土台があって、その上に批判的に造り上げられた作品であり、事実上、芸術の伝統の延長線上にあるからこそ、その「理解」が可能となり、またその価値も生まれている。 岡田は村上を評価して「日本のいろいろな可愛い文化を全部合体させたもの」と言ってるが、村上を評価する欧米は「アニメだから」評価したわけではないだろう。かれらはむしろかれら自身の芸術の伝統の延長上に村上作品を見ているから、アートとして評価した。そういうことじゃないのかな。 しらんけど。2021年12月4日土曜日
he legacy of the Tokyo Olympics 2021
Actually, it was a great success under the circumstance. Obviously it would be much better without Covid-19 problems. However, superspreading, feared by some, never happened.
Staging an Olympics during the worst pandemic in a century? There’s a widespread perception that it couldn’t happen in a better place than Japan....Japan is one of the few places in the world that could even consider pulling off the high-stakes tightrope walk that the Tokyo Games represent. (AP)
And Japan indeed successfully pulled it off. That's the legacy of the Tokyo Olympics 2021.
In addition, Japanese athletes did so well with 27 gold medals, the third after US and China.
Before Olympics Games (Jan 2021): 27% supported the Olympics
After Olympics Games (Aug 9): 64% supported the Olympics
This stunning turnaround shows nothing but success.
Now, the only worry that remained so far was its cost: How much more to pay? Do we have to raise tax?
The answer came: No.
A very good news for Tokyo.
言論の自由が「何を言っても許される」ことではないことは、常識的にも理解できることですが、憲法学上では近代民主主義の歴史の中で明確にされていきました。1919年の米国の最高裁の判決では裁判長はそのことを「満員の映画館の中で事実ではないのに”火事だ”と叫んでパニックを引き起こして人身事故を招く行為」は憲法で護られている言論の自由にはいらない、と説明しています。 つまり、その言論が事実ではなく(嘘や単なる憶測)、かつ具体的な危害を他者に加える場合、そのような言論は憲法によって守られていません。 今回の件では、はすみ氏の表現(「枕営業」とか「女のウソ泣き」)が事実ではなく憶測に基づいたものであり、かつ、そのような表現が具体的に他者に危害を与えることになった、ということですかね。シリアの暫定首相、「安定と平穏」を呼びかけ 政権移行に向けた協議開始
https://www.bbc.com/japanese/articles/c05pm0q3ryjo シリアの暫定首相、「安定と平穏」を呼びかけ 政権移行に向けた協議開始 画像提供, Telegram 画像説明, シリアの暫定首相に任命されたムハンマド・アル=バシール氏 202...
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